Wednesday, June 20, 2012

duty calls

So in spite of all that I have on my plate, at the end of the day I am still a working OB/GYN....and tonight I am on-call with a patient in labor. Writing a blog post for tomorrow will not be very feasible so I will substitute what I might have to say about "Is there a cure in sight?" and instead direct you all to the brand spanking new, hot-off-the-press, chock full MJFF website which was launched earlier today.


In the words of MJFF co-founder Debi Brooks, "This site reflects the growth and evolution of our organization over the past several years, tells the story of who we are today and the progress made in Parkinson’s research. Our hope is the new site creates a platform where Parkinson’s patients, caregivers, supporters, researchers and industry partners can come together to learn and get involved in one place."

And in my words...This site is a big W-O-W.  As your mom, physician, friend or neighbor I must tell you that I have more than just hope that the baby I deliver tonight will soon grow up in a world where the question "Is there a cure in sight?" will no longer need an answer.

So tonight I will let someone else educate and entertain you...I have to go deliver a baby.

next up: Pedaling For Parkinson's

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