42.2 miles • 1,907 feet of climb
Towns Miles Feet of Climb Population
Cedar Rapids 0.0 0 126,326
Czech Village / New Bohemia 3.0 17 Unincorp.
Mount Vernon (Meeting) 14.4 774 4,506
Springville 10.3 517 1,074
Viola 5.4 219 Unincorp.
Fairview 4.5 284 Unincorp.
Anamosa 4.6 96 5,533
I am up early this morning...back to my old routine? in reverse? Nonetheless, I have some quiet time as this week is almost over.
So, here I am, ready to don my cycling garb for the second to last time this week. I will start packing up all my overnight things and then let the ritual begin: dress, sunscreen, chamois butter, zinc on the lips, sportlegs and NUUN for electrolyte and lactic acid stability, camera, money, check tires....and go. I will finish this post later today if internet access is available. Until then...toodles
The day started with a stop in Czech Village as we were all starving:
The weather was cool but shortly after this friendly town the hills started. Ann and I motored skillfully as we have gotten into a nice 'tandem rhythm'. Mt Vernon greeted us next with all of the lively characters as well...
Ooops! sorry guys. These aren't 'characters'...just my fellow pfp'ers.
The rest of the route was gentle and cool bringing the ride to an end with a delicious cup of Beekman's icecream.
By 11:30 am we were pulling up to the Silver Crest nursing home where once again we will be staying indoors in airconditioning.
And then my cell phone rang. Pat Donohoo was calling to tell me that he and Cidney got in an accident..she fell off her bike and was on her way to the emergency room. The only humorous part to this story was that it was not an ambulance transporting her but the local funeral director. So, as I write this blog, Pat, Jay and Jay's wife Janelle and I are with CIdney in the ER...she has a broken arm (distal radial fx) and will be getting it stabilized and splinted soon. She will be ok but when she told the docs that she was hungry, they told her that there was pie and coffee for the ragbrai riders. PIE? Did that doctor say pie? Cidney laughed and told me that I have to get a piece before heading back. Cidney is in good spirits...she had a great ride today and even took a ride down a roadside slip-n-slide. She too enjoyed a Beekmans and a PB&J. She has decided to focus on the rest of her fun day where she told me she was "shaking with laughter". Hmmmmm....I think I have heard that somewhere before!
My dad was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease his symptoms were shuffling of feet,slurred speech, low volume speech, degradation of hand writing, horrible driving skills, right arm held at 46 degree angle, but now he finally free from the disease with the help of total cure from ULTIMATE LIFE CLINIC, he now walks properly and all symptoms has reversed, he had trouble with balance especially at night, getting into the shower and exiting it is difficult,getting into bed is also another thing he finds impossible.we had to find a better solution for his condition which has really helped him a lot,the biggest helped we had was ultimate life clinic they walked us through the proper steps,am highly recommended this to anyone who needs help.